Paraguayan Benjamin Fernandez Wins South American Amateur Golf Tournament

Paraguayan Benjamin Fernandez, a player who trained at IJGA’s Bishops Gate campus, won the South American Amateur Golf Tournament.

At this year’s South American Amateur, Paraguayan golfer Benjamin Fernandez had a four-hole finish of birdie, par, birdie, birdie to get into a play-off. He then eagled the first hole to be crowned the champion. 

IJGA boasts a proud connection to Paraguay through Paraguayan Julieta Granada, Director of Golf Instruction and POD leader. As the leading youth international golf academy, we’re always excited to share how students and alumni succeed in tournaments around the world.

Benjamin’s compatriot Erich Fortlage came in third place.  This follows the footsteps of IJGA Alumni Julian Perico, a University of Arkansas great, who won in 2017. Altogether, these results highlight the phenomenal skill and dedication of these golfers.

Benjamin Fernandez Developed Essential Golf Skills at IJGA’s Bishops Gate Facility

Both Benjamin Fernandez and Erich Fortlage have been regular short-time students at our Bishops Gate campus. Benjamin’s sister Giovanna was a full-time student at IJGA. Benjamin attends Southern Mississippi University. Like Julian Perico, Giovanna and Erich are Razorbacks at Arkansas State University. 

These IJGA alumni have enjoyed success in their college careers, a reflection of our nearly perfect college placement rates. We invest in the lifelong achievements of our student-athletes through high school and beyond graduation

Benjamin is competing at the Latin American Qualifier next week, with IJGA Alumni Gerardo Gomez and current IJGA student Evan Pena. We look forward to seeing further exceptional performances from these players.

Golf club and golf ball on green grass

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