How to Earn a College Golf Scholarship

Five IJGA student golfers stand in a line holding pennants to the college they've been accepted to, including Boston, Northwester, North Texas, Florida Gulf Coast University, North Florida, and Florida University

Most junior golfers dream of playing the sport they love at the collegiate level. However, as college golf grows increasingly competitive, it’s more challenging than ever to secure a spot on a team. 

Without coaching, support, and expert insight into how the scholarship process works, student-athletes will struggle to attain a college scholarship. 

A knowledge of scholarships, the right program, training, and academic work all work together to create a recipe for success.

Understanding Golf Scholarships

Obtaining a scholarship can be confusing if you’ve never had any guidance or are a prospective international student. 

If you wish to play golf for a university in the United States, it’s vital to understand how obtaining a scholarship works. 

Scholarships are grants or payments from a university or outside organization toward a student’s academic or personal expenses. They range from a “full ride,” which covers tuition, books, and board, to much smaller amounts in which you’re responsible for paying back the difference. 

Set Yourself Up for Success with the Right Program 

Understanding your goals and determining what you need from a golf program is the first place to start. 

Establishing your reasons for pursuing a golf scholarship will help keep your passions alive and push you to keep your drive. Look for a program with coaches who work towards helping you reach your specific goals. 

IJGA’s coaching team is made up of coaches with a variety of different strengths which work together to create well-rounded athletes. From sports psychology, neuroscience, and technique and fitness, our panel of expert coaches brings expertise and counseling to each golfer. 

Related Page: Training Program

Athletes who wish to earn a golf scholarship should focus on developing their technical training and course strategy. Tools like the Swing Catalyst and Trackman help golfers fine-tune their swings and movement on the course. Knowledge of course and tournament strategy is necessary to be competitive at higher play levels. 

The right tools and technical training, like a focus on sound mechanics, swing, and short game, play an essential role in player development. 

For certain players, taking an extra year between high school and college may be the best for their athletic and academic careers. Programs like IJGA’s post-graduate program help to prepare graduating seniors for college life. They can work alongside our coaching team to prepare for the challenges of college life. 

Take Physical and Mental Training Seriously 

Just as fundamental to earning a college scholarship as technical skill, don’t expect to play at the college of your choice without physical and mental training. 

For a college scholarship, look for coaching and programs emphasizing building mental skills, creating clear and compelling goals, and learning to focus on things they can control on and off the course to promote perseverance. 

Regarding physical fitness, seek out programs that assert the importance of building endurance through conditioning and functional strength. These skills are necessary for any athlete and help prevent injuries while playing. 

Related Post: Golf Tips – Bridging the Gap 

To play at the next level, you should work with coaches and a program to fit your unique goals. 

Don’t Forget Academics 

All of the training and golf proficiency in the world won’t matter if your grades and test scores aren’t up to the university’s standards. 

IJGA provides college planning and placement to allow students to explore all available options. 

We understand that our golfers are students above all else. We provide our student-athletes with tutoring and academic support in individual subjects and in preparation for the SAT and ACT.

Our academic team offers support for international students in ESL and TOEFL preparation. IJGA’s exceptional peer tutoring program allows students to learn and grow independently. 

If you want to play in college and earn a golf scholarship, ensure you exceed academically. 

Start Your College Placement Journey 

The majority of IJGA graduates go on to play golf at the collegiate level. To start working alongside our college placement team, register for a junior golf camp or apply for the academy. 

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