Golf Boarding School Versus Regular Boarding School

coach and student golfer walking down golf course

Sending young people to boarding schools for academic preparation dates back centuries. Boardings schools are most famous for shaping a young student’s learning skills. Regardless of heritage, your environment supports learning and the likelihood of success. Choosing the right boarding school for your child is essential for their life goals. In this blog, IJGA discusses the benefits of golf boarding schools versus traditional.

We Are A School For Budding Professionals

Our boarding school is a haven for aspiring junior professional golfers. At IJGA, we provide students the opportunity to achieve their professional golf dreams. Students gain world knowledge and build life-long friendships. They learn the foundations of golf and academics to achieve their goals and excel in life.

IJGA Creates A Tailored Schedule For Students

At IJGA, we develop a nurturing environment for creating professional players. From golfers to coaches, we foster the best of the best. We teach students about prioritizing tasks and building independent lives. We create a schedule for students that manages golf, school, and their social lives. Students learn time management, balancing their studies, and maintaining social rapport. IJGAis a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We pave the way for students to become professional golfers and compete.

Year-Round Access To Private Professional Golf Instruction

Students learn from the world’s most incredible golf instructors. Imagine training with leading experts packed with industry knowledge.
We provide a holistic approach to golf as students learn how to positively respond to tough competition. The character-building moments and life lessons acquired through golf training last a lifetime.

Year-Round Practice Opportunities

Our golf lessons and practice courses are available to students who go to either the camps or the school. These lessons are available throughout the year. Having year-round access to golf training benefits choosing golf as a leading sport. At IJGA, we provide a program for those about to attend college. Our academy offers international partnerships and opportunities for our students.

IJGA Provides Optimal Opportunity

IJGA is an elite boarding school and camp for aspiring junior golfers. We have a 100% college placement rate and pride ourselves as the top school for golf athletes. We invest in the next generation of golfers to keep the tradition and passion for the sport alive. If you or your child is a junior golfer interested in focusing on their craft, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us online, or call us at (855) 378-8177.

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